stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Some new treatments for Depression
by runForever inhere are some new treatments for depression.
i am not a doctor don't take this as medical advice do your own research.
but this is worth looking into.
stan livedeath
or--get pissed -
Sorry for the young folks that don't get 12 inches anymore
by Diogenesister injust listened to patrice rushen "forget me knots"and it made me think - do you remember the excitement of going to the record shop and getting the 12 inch of your favourite tune?.
i remember halkwind 12 inch silver machine that went on forever!!
or blue monday in the 80's depech mode.
stan livedeath
my first ever LP
If you are a current active JW, What rules do you deliberately break?
by Truthexplorer indo the lottery.
celebrate my child's birthday.
sign workmates birthday cards.
stan livedeath
i think a number of you disgusting bunch are Brits--so heres a link to some others:
Any funny stories of when a"brother" giving a talk, said something "funny" or "questionable", and didn't even realize it?
by Dunedain inthere were always all types of speakers in the org.
myself, growing up a "witness", must have heard all types of talks, and given by all manner of speakers, especially on sundays, when almost every week we would get a "visiting" brother giving the public talk.. sometimes, you would have a "great" speaker, all fluent and animated.
other times we would get a comical speaker, one who would maybe purposelly get a few laughs outta the audience.
stan livedeath
back in the day--the congregation servant ( that was the title back then )----was a bit thick. he would refer to " paul's letter to matthew"---
circuit servants visit coming up--and he read out a letter---referring to a meeting at the LINCOLN road group--several times.
but he kept pronouncing it LIN COLLON---till someone said--its lin CON brother---
to which re retorted--"well--some idiot has put an L in LIN COLLON "
but--seriously--he was a lovely old bro--real heart of gold--everyone loved him. pity he was a secret smoker
Where has all the money gone?
by gingerbread ina number of years ago when i was still active, our service group was having a coffee break with the visiting circuit overseer.
during the conversation he mentioned that the "society" was now being run like a business.
being raised in the "truth" i thought that rather odd (and my eyes began to be opened!
stan livedeath
just out of interest---
how do you Yanks pronounce warwick ?
do you say--WAR WICK ?
FYI the original warwick is in warwickshire--UK.......
and is pronounced WORRICK
If you are a current active JW, What rules do you deliberately break?
by Truthexplorer indo the lottery.
celebrate my child's birthday.
sign workmates birthday cards.
stan livedeath
, fornicated wildly at Glastonbury Festival and had a threesome with two JW chicks
i think we need further details about this.
Hilarious Whatsapp message received - FIRST day after Big D
by cognitivedizzy ina hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
stan livedeath
what will they do with all the bodies of the dead babies and children ? pile them up in a heap and burn them ? -
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Name , HOW Important. ?
by smiddy injehovah`s witnesses place great emphasis on the importance of god`s name as jehovah .so much so that they are often accused by christendom`s religions as substituting jehovah for christ.. the old testament ( hebrew scriptures identify god as the tetragrammaton four hebrew consanants yhwh and not jhvh.
as mistakenly believed by a 13th century spanish monk .. modern scholars including the j.w.`s agree that the more accurate pronunciation of gods name would be more nearer to yahweh than the name jehovah .. so why do j.w.`s insist on the name ?
jehovah ?
stan livedeath
i may be wrong--but--
in that indiana jones movie--someone said--there was no J in the hebrew language--it was an I-----------
Any Scottish members?
by superstevie inhi,.
i am a former member of a congregation in central scotland, wondered if there were any others from that area?.
stan livedeath
heres a link to lots of other UK members:
Dubbers now sitting in flea markets to count time. Dont even try to pawn mags.
by dogon inevery flea market i go to a group of idiots sits under a tent top with a few mags on display with a cup of coffee playing on a phone with as much interest in pushing the cult as a teenage girl at the check out line has in bagging your groceries.
when i was in the cult we had to work for our time.
now its like sitting at the coffee shop bsing with the other cult idiots counting time for your pioneer status.
stan livedeath
One couple wrote:
is that the same couple who later wrote--" It's all a big fat con--we saw the light and never went back " ?